Appendix I
WLKATA Mirobot Calibration Operation
Calibration Operation Procedure:
The Mirobot is calibrated before leaving the factory. In each time the manipulator finishes the HOMING action, the joint 1, joint 2, joint 3, joint 4 and joint 5 should be homed to the pre-designed homing position.
After the HOMING action, if one or more of the joints is/are not in the pre-designed homing position, one need to re-calibrate the manipulator. The Calibration procedure is explained as below:
Note: The 4th axis must be adjusted through negative steps (J4-). There has No special requirements for other axes. The 6th axis does not need Calibration.
Joint 1 homing position reference Joint 2 homing position reference Joint 3 homing position reference
Joint 4 homing position reference Joint 5 homing position reference
Step 4: After each axis rotates to the corresponding position, enter the "STTING" interface again and click "Finish".